16 entries categorized "Joy"

Hacked - no access to Facebook

Nearly two weeks ago someone hacked, phished or otherwise compromised my Facebook account. I have been deleted from all my sosial media groups.
My Facebook account has been taken over by a person called Kien Con Cac. I have no longer access to Facebook, Messenger or Instagram. It is not a nice experience. I feel cheated, exploited and stupid. I have reported everything to Facebook but have had no help. The links they have sent me does not solve my problem and Facebook seems to be unable to help in this matter. I find this very strange.

Before Facebook I was an eager blogger. After Facebook came on the scene it has taken over and I have only been using my Typepad platform for blogging occationally. I now plan to take up blogging again.

I may have no access to my Facebook account, but I have full access to all the heavenly blessings in Christ. I am a child of God and I can enter the presence of the Almighty God. I may be blocked from using Messenger, but I no one can block me from using the door of prayer. I may be shut out from sosial media, but I am still part of the holy community of the covenant people of God. What I have lost is not really very important. The real values in life no one can take away from me. I have free access to the Throne of Grace. No one can steal my identity as a child of God. My heavenly profile or account can not be compromised. Therefore I rejoice in the Lord. God is good. I am safe in his hands!

True Joy

In the passage from verses 9 to 16, each line begins with the Hebrew letter Beth. This section is very much about true joy.

Psalm 119.9 How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. 

This verse has followed me since I was a young Christian. I am so grateful for the Norwegian prayer house movement I grew up in, because there we learned to highly value God's Word high and let it control our lives. The psalmist asks a very important question and gave us the right answer: How can a young man live clean? By living in the Word of God and walking in the truths of the Word.

Of course, this truth does not only apply to young people. But young people in their youth for the first time meet all the lusts and desires that can make life impure. In our childhood we were unfamiliar with much of these impure impulses, but in youth we encounter this with full force. Childhood is a time of innocence, but in youth we meet all the temptations that belong to adult human life.

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Liberating the moment

To be somebody

is to liberate the moment

from the dullness of being taken for granted

It is to avoid the temptation

to capture the moment

through a camera

to print it on paper

but rather to enjoy the moment

for all its worth

liberating it from memories of the past

by embracing the new moment

arriving every second

I am somebody

when I live in the present

enjoying the ever flowing Spirit of Grace

who enables me to give thanks in all circumstances

taking hold of opportunities

and letting go of past failures

as I embrace the moment of God's presence

Celebrating life

To be somebody

is to celebrate birthdays, wedding-days,

Christmas, Easter, Whitsunday

or any other special days

and New Year with great joy!

It is to make use of all circumstances

to celebrate and rejoice

in the rich life from God!

It is to rejoice in being

uniquely created in the image of God,

rejoicing over all our gifts and talents

enjoying life to the full!

Life itself is the greatest reason for celebration

Only when I am alive

I am somebody

Being a grandfather

To be somebody
is being a grandfather
of many unique grandchildren
and loving each one of them
in a very special way

Grandchildren are the crown of life,
crowning you with dignity and honour.
Grandchildren are the desert of life,
making your life radiant of joy
When you have many grandchildren
you realize that you are truly somebody
for you have achieved something very great.

To be somebody
Is being a grandfather of happy grandchildren,
For there is no greater achievement in life
Happy grandchildren prove that you have succeeded,
that you are somebody - all by the grace of God.

Text: Erling Thu (c)

Being a grandfather

To be somebody
is being a grandfather
of many unique grandchildren
and loving each one of them
in a very special way

Grandchildren are the crown of life,
crowning you with dignity and honour.
Grandchildren are the desert of life,
making your life radiant of joy
When you have many grandchildren
you realize that you are truly somebody
for you have achieved something very great.

To be somebody
Is being a grandfather of happy grandchildren,
For there is no greater achievement in life
Happy grandchildren prove that you have succeeded,
that you are somebody - all by the grace of God.

Text: Erling Thu (c)

To be somebody is to fly with the wings of encouragement

To be somebody
Is to allow words of encouragement
To become wings of faith
Making you ignore limitations
Causing you to jump over walls
Motivating you to cross borders

To be somebody
Is to believe and receive words
Appreciation from unknown people
Praise from close friends
As seeds of greatness
Producing desires to serve
In greater variety and measures

To be somebody
Is to fly with the wings of encouragements
To new horizons of joy
In being connected to a new reality
Having your life enlarged
Being enabled to break out
Of geographical and cultural limitations
To explore the limitless sky
As prophetic words are coming true
In walking humbly with your God

Text: Erling Thu (c)

The way to happiness

We are only truly happy when we walk in total integrity, walking in the light of God's word. The paths of God lead us to pleasant places. Walking face to face with God brings fulness of joy. When he whispers to us in the night, revelation floods our soul and we overflow with joy. Happiness is the hallmark of a person living close to God.

God is always close to us and he is always available. Happiness is to experience his wrap-around-presence every moment. Then our heart and soul will explode with joy and be overshadowed by his glory.

Happiness in the heart and overflowing joy are the gift to those who keep the ways of God, those who seek him as their heart's passion. 

Hallelujah Chorus

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Praise God in his holy sanctuary!

Praise him in his stronghold in the sky!

Praise him for his miracles of might!

Praise him for his magnificent greatness!

Praise him with trumpets blasting!

Praise him with piano and guitar!

Praise him with drums and dancing!

Praise him with the loud, resounding clash of cymbals.

Praise him with every instrument you can find!

Let everyone everywhere join in the crescendo of ecstatic praise to Yahweh!

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

Psalm 150 The Passion Translation


Harvesting the blessings

To be somebody is harvesting the blessings

That the Creator has showered upon us,

Seeing all around us evidences of his goodness.

Picking blackberries, redcurrents and gooseberries

From the bushes I planted in my own garden

Along with wild blueberries in the forest

And fish in the net in my lake.

To be somebody is enjoying the blessings of God

Hidden in everyday life, at home or in nature.

 To be somebody is seeing the blessings

Even when they come in disguise.

To be somebody is harvesting the blessings

In difficulties and challenging situations,

To be able to share it with others

Creating life

To be somebody is to create life

In dead material

- and among living persons

Giving dead material a new form that speaks.

Making imagination pregnant, exuberant, fruitful.

Generating new forms of life

By sowing dream-seeds and new thought patterns,

Releasing talents and empowering people.

To be somebody is to be full of life and joy

In such a way that you are contagious,

Rubbing of joy, optimism, faith and love

To all people you touch during the day.

When you live your dream you will create life

In people who is catching your joy

And starts dreaming their own dreams.

To sing

To be somebody is to sing
in major and minor
in joy and sorrow
in longing and despair
to let life be a song
and all events be
the music and rhythm
that give the song life

Giving thanks - leaving comments

To be somebody is to give thanks
For the small things in life
It is to leave a comment
On a poetic blog of a stranger
Expressing appreciation with one word: cool!
Telling how you will use it
In blessing relatives and friends

When your footsteps are a trail
Of thanks and appreciations
Of positive and encouraging words
Of real and virtual smiles
Then everyone you encounter
Will think that you are really somebody

To be somebody is not to take things for granted
But allowing yourself to be surprised
At any little token of goodness
And every expression of kindness
Giving glory to the Creator
He is the source of the beautiful life
Of a grateful heart