When discouraged and heavy thoughts creep into our soul.
Overwhelmed by love and prayers

I can still see!

This week I had my annual examination of my eyes. This have been going on since my right eye was damaged by AMD - Age-related Macula Degeneration about six years ago. Then I lost the ability to see sharply on that eye. Everything I focus on, I can only see a black cloud, but I still have some side sight on the right eye. I cannot read a singel letter on my right eye! My left eye has been perfectly well until now, and I am very grateful to the Lord for the blessing of eyesight!

I can still see! Ever since I had the examination and the following message that my left eye also has been affected by the AMD, I tell my wife every morning: I can still see you! When I discovered that my right eye was affected by AMD, it only took 3-4 months before that eye was damaged beyond repair, humanly speaking. Therefore it really hit hard me when I was told that now my left eye was affected by the same wet AMD as the right eye. Many negative thoughts went through my mind. The worst scenarium is that within six months I will not be able to drive my car, nor will I be able to read or write any more.

The good news however, is that God is almighty and in control. All things works together for good for those who love the Lord. With God nothing is impossible, and I put my hope and trust in him. He created the eye in the first place and has blessed me with good eyesight for 81 years. He is able to restore eyesight to both my eyes. I am safe in his hands.

The other good news is that this time the AMD has been discovered at a much earlier stage than when my right eye was damaged. Then the medical treatment did not help at all. This time there is a better chance for the medical treatment will work. The doctors can not heal my eye, but hopefully they will be able to stop or slow down the degeneration process. I must admit that I do not have much faith in the medical treatment, but will give it a change. My hope is in God. He may choose to use the doctors and their medical treatment, or he may choose to give me a proper miracle in both my eyes. 

I am totally dependent on the mercy of God!

Thank God I can still see!
