Pray for the Christians in Rajasthan
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Pray for the Christians in Rajasthan

My friend Victor Choudhrie is urging all Christians to pray for Rajasthan!

The situation in Rajasthan, the largest state with a 50 mil. population situated in Western part of India, which is ruled by a rabidly Hindu Nationalist Party (BJP), is now bent on persecuting Christians. Attached is the report of recent persecution which is gaining in intensity and frequency. Part of the reason for this sudden escalation is provocative activities of the Christians who distributed inflammatory literature and insisted on conducting large gatherings in a very sensitive area. At stake are all the other ministries in that state.

1. Please pray that Christians everywhere will rise as one body and articulate strategy for rapid evangelization of the state.

2. Pray for wisdom that the churches will be more sensitive to political, social and cultural environment of the place.
