A fulfilling day
February 05, 2004
Today I have had a very fulfilling day of writing. I have been sitting downstairs in my study all day in front of my laptop. Only a few telephone calls from dear friends have interrupted me in my writing today. Well, I shouldn’t use the phrase interrupt I think, as the talks on the phone have been like an injection of vitamins to my soul. Afterwards I was able to write with new zeal and enthusiasm, as I had been sharpened in my spirit by the conversations I had.
I have begun to rewrite in Norwegian my book “Find your place” which is an introduction course to Christian faith and community life. The first edition in Norwegian has been sold out, and the new version is very much needed. I have already translated and enlarged the material in the first Norwegian edition into English and I am trying to have it published in the English speaking world. It is already published in the Oriya language of Orissa in India and is being translated into Hindi as well.
Now I plan the material to be published in four books instead of one big one as I have added much new material. The teaching in the book is arranged in a different way, hopefully making it more useful in helping new believers to grow in the Lord.
As I am working on this project I feel good. I am not only translating the new material I have written in English into Norwegian, I am writing it a new way and feel very free to add more insight as well. I feel the Spirit of God is inspiring me as I am writing, and that is a very fulfilling feeling. I believe these four books will be a blessing to many people. I am so thankful to the Lord that he has enabled me to put apostolic teaching into writing.